The Site and all of its materials, including, but not limited to, its software or HTML code, scripts, text, artwork, photographs, images, video, and audio (collectively, “Materials” ) are protected by copyright laws and other U.S. and international laws and treaties and are property of Ife FaraLLC or its licensors. All Materials are provided through the Site as a service to its current and prospective visitors and may be used only for personal and informational purposes and only if you also retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the Materials. No right, title or interest in Ife Fara LLC Materials is conveyed to you. You may not copy,reproduce, publish, transmit, distribute, perform,display, post, modify, create derivative works from, sell, license or otherwise exploit the Site or any of its Materials without our prior written permission; you may not access or use the Site for any competitive or commercial purpose; nor may you permit any copying of our Materials. Any unauthorized copying, alteration, distribution, transmission, performance, display, or other use of these Materials is prohibited. Any and all rights not expressly granted are reserved by Ife Fara LLC as applicable.


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Ife Fara LLC owns all rights regarding its trademarks, trade names, logos, brand names and trade dress (“Trademarks”). These Trademarks are registered and/or common law trademarks of Ife Fara LLC and they are protected by U.S. and international laws and treaties. No license to the use of such Trademarks is granted to you under these Site Rules or by your use of the Site. Your misuse of our Trademarks displayed on the Site is strictly prohibited. You are also advised that we may aggressively enforce our intellectual property rights to the fullest extent of the law, including through civil remedies and criminal prosecution.


We have a no-tolerance policy regarding the use of our Trademarks (e.g., Ife Fara LLC) in metatags and/or hidden text. Specifically, the use of our Trademarks in metatag keywords is trademark infringement, and the use of our Trademarks in page text, metatags, and/or hidden text for purposes of gaining higher rankings from search engines is unfair competition. Linking to any web page on the Site is prohibited absent our express written permission. Associating or juxtaposing our Site or its Materials (e.g., through framing or inline linking) with advertisements and/or other information not originating from our Site is expressly prohibited.


We make our website available in a mobile-friendly format, as well (our "Mobile Site"). All mobile phones that have Internet access can make use of the Mobile Site. Users with mobile phones that have this access also have the option to view the full html website that is availableon your PC. You should be aware that some of the special pricing and promotions offered on the full html website may not show up on the Mobile Site. However, you can use the Mobile Site to take advantage of our special pricing and promotions that you view on the full html website or that you receive in an email offering from us, by using the code specified on the full html website or in the email when you are on the Mobile Site.